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Planning of a SHS / off grid PV System.

Basis of all planning is the number and power of consumers, which should be operated by the SHS.These include lighting, radios, PC's etc. but also the estimated use per day.

Important are whether consumers which are running only with 230 V AC. In this case, a so-called inverter must be a part of the system. In contrast, lamps, radios, refrigerators and some fans easily can work with 12 or 24 V DC.

On the basis of a questionnaire provides SolarKonzept you a precise calculation of your project. To this end, we use simulation programs and weather data from the entire world and are in a position, even investments in Africa, Asia or other continents to be calculated.

Alternatively, we will submit proposals for the use of additional reg. Energy sources (wind etc.), the extent deemed appropriate. To calculate the necessary cable dimensions, we need also informations concerning the distance of the modules to charge controller. This will avoid losses on the DC side.


Professional  off grid system with 1,3 kWp PV Generator, Diesel engine, SunnyBoy Inverter und Sunny Island battery inverter at Lüneburger Heide/ Germany.


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